Preschool - Forms
Perry Christian Preschool & Child Care does not discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin or disability in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 104 Stat. 32, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.

Preschool Virtual Tour 2020 from Perry Christian on Vimeo.

Checklist for Registration


·       YOU MUST CALL FIRST (330-477-3998 Option 2) AND SET UP AN APPOINTMENT TO REGISTER (this is for staffing purposes) Forms must be turned in 3 days prior to start date.


·       You will need the registration fee ($25) and deposits ($25 for each session per family) at your appointment prior to your start date.

These forms will be emailed to you to begin the Registration Process:

·       Child Enrollment and Health Information (white) – completely filled out with NO blank areas (if Non-applicable write NA or none)


·       Family Information Sheet (blue)


·       Child Medical Statement (pink) – MUST BE SIGNED BY DOCTOR


·       Payment Authorization (yellow) – MUST BE COMPLETED prior to your start date


Contact Information:

Director: Sarah Modlin -

Assistant Director: Leslie -

Office Manger:  Vicki Wozniak –

Financial Secretary:  Karen Hinzman –


All current contracts will end on May 31, 2019. Families with children currently enrolled are given the first opportunity to register for the upcoming Summer and school year by following these simple steps:

1) Review Handbook Updates and update registration forms. (Watch for registration instructions in your e-mail beginning February 18. Handbook updates and forms will also be available in the preschool office at that time.)

2) Sign up for a registration appointment for February 25-28. (Sign up sheets will be available beginning February 18.)

3) At your registration appointment, complete contract(s) and pay deposits to hold your child’s spot. (A $25 deposit will be due per family per session. Accounts must be brought current and paid in full in order to register for Summer or Fall.)

Please contact the preschool office if you have any questions about registration (330) 477-3998.