Men's Group

The adult ministries exists to draw us together as Kingdom builders in our lives, our homes, our jobs, our community, and our church. We strive to be continually growing in our relationship with Christ through prayer, studying His word, fellowship and service.

There are several adult ministries available for you to grow deeper in your faith and join in community at PCC.

Adult Bible Fellowships Classes & Small Groups

On Sunday mornings we offer four different Adult Bible Fellowship Classes.  Please feel free to visit the different classes and find the fellowship that best meets your needs.

—Encouragers Group meet at 10:10 am in the gym and use a variety of study material

—Crusaders Class meet in the Parlor at 10:10 am and use a variety of study material.

—Friendship Class meets in the Chapel at 10:10 am  and use a variety of study material.

—"The Mix" Class meets in the Study at 9:30 am and use a variety of study material.