Men's Group

Our mission statement says we exist to “care for others.” Part of following Jesus includes loving our neighbor and doing all we can to help those in need. In this way, we can impact the world in a positive way.

We offer several church-wide events throughout the year specifically geared towards making a positive impact in the world. Such events include Vacation Bible School, Thanksgiving Outreach, Baby-bottle Boomerang, Perry Helping Perry Christmas, Honduras Gifts of Love, Back-to-school Backpack, and much more.

Various other ministries within our church, such as our youth ministry, children’s ministry, and Life Groups, regularly engage in donation drives and/or community service several times a year.

These outreach efforts not only require a lot of time, the financial support as well. We encourage you to prayerfully consider financially supporting Perry Christian church.

Like any church, where several volunteer opportunities available! Some are seasonal and some are ongoing. If you would like to know more about our service opportunities, please continue to browse our site or contact one of our ministry staff.

We believe in Outreach to our community, country and world!  

Wherever we can support missions for the continued discipleship in our world, we will!

Life was not meant to be lived alone.  At Perry Christian Church, LIFE GROUPS are important to our fellowship.  They provide an opportunity to spend time connect with God and others through Bible study, fellowship and serving.  Our purpose is to gather weekly to study the word of God as we build relationships with each other and impact our community for the better.

Our CAMPUS LIFE GROUPS will meet at the church on Sunday mornings at 9:00 or 10:15 AM.

Our COMMUNITY LIFE GROUPS generally meet in the homes of various group leaders during the week.


You may notice that many of our CAMPUS LIFE GROUPS (Sunday morning Bible studies) cater to a specific demographic. This isn’t meant to exclude anyone. Instead, it is meant to build community by reaching each individual where they are at in their life.

If none of the groups listed below sound like a good fit, we encourage you to consider joining a community life group. For more information about our community life groups, please check the box on the Attendance booklet during the weekly worship service OR contact Rod Geiger.

As always, there’s no need to register for Sunday morning life groups. All you need to do is show up!      

9:00 – 9:50 am

Friendship Group in Chapel (Burgett)

Crusaders Group in Parlor (Wise)

Encouragers in Fellowship Hall (Cale)

10:15-11:05 am

“The Mix”  in Study (McCoy)


If you would like to get involved in a COMMUNITY LIFE GROUP, please either check the box on the Attendance booklet during the weekly worship service OR contact Rod Geiger. We will contact you personally and help you find the group that best fits you!
